Presentations/publications 1990

  1. Allende, R.  The Effects of Cocaine Abuse on Perinatal and Neonatal Development.  Presented at the Harvard Health Professions Program, Topics in Drug Abuse Seminar, Cambridge, MA, August 1990.
  2. Avilez, M., Erickson, S., & Lear, S. Developmental Regulation of Low Density Lipoprotein in Rat Intestine. Presented at the 1990 MARC Scholars Conference, Nashville, TN, October 1990.
  3. Mendoza, S., Cervantes, C., & Reilly, J.  Linguistic and Affective Development of Children with Perinatal Focal Lesions.  Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association Convention, Los Angeles, CA, April 1990.
  4. Pechersky, B., Cervantes, C., & Matt, G.  When Effective Tools Fail: High School Study Habits and Early College Achievement.  Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association Convention, Los Angeles, CA, April 1990.
  5. Cheeks, C. A Discussion of the Faculty/Student Mentor Program. Presented at the Western Psychological Association Convention, Los Angeles, CA, April 1990.
  6. Cheeks, C.  Temperamental Assessment in Children with Focal Brain Damage.  Presented at the 1990 MARC Scholars Conference, Nashville, TN, October 1990.
  7. Barron, S., Razani, L.J., Gallegos, R., & Riley, E. Saccharin Preference Following Neonatal Alcohol Exposure.  Presented at the International Society of Biomedical Research on Alcoholism (ISBRA), Toronto, Canada, June 1990.
  8. McPherson, B., Zaragoza, C., Bradbury, C., & Atkins, C.  Self-Esteem as a Predictor of Sexual Behavior in Hispanic Teens.  Presented at the 1990 MARC Scholars Conference, Nashville, TN, October 1990.

Presentations/publications 1991

  1. Allende, R.L., Litwin C., & Calderwood, S.  Probing of Clinical Isolates of E. coli for Virulence Genes.  Presented at the Harvard Summer School Program for incoming medical students. Boston, MA, July 1991.   Report published in the Proceedings of the Journal of Cellular and Molecular Biology.
  2.  Arriaga. R.L., & Fenson, L.  Assessing Language Comprehension in Infancy.  Poster presented at the 1991 MARC Scholars Conference, Washington, DC, November 1991.
  3. Webster, R., Hall, T., Bell, M., Morris, W., Sabbadini, R., & Paolini, P.  (December 1991). Sphingosine modulates contractility in the skinned cardiocyte. Journal of Cell and Molecular Cardiology.
  4. Castillo-Cañez, I., & Cronan, T.  Increasing the Intergenerational Transfer of Knowledge in Ethnic Families. Presented at the 1991 MARC Scholars Conference, Washington, DC, November 1991.
  5. Cervantes, C., & Borges-Fricke, M.  Semantic Access: Effects of Meaning Dominance, Noun Property, and Context.  Presented at the Western Psychological Association Conference, San Francisco, CA, April 1991.
  6. Cervantes C., Mendoza S., & Reilly J. Affect and Language in Children with Localized Brain Damage. Presented at the 1991 Conference for the Society for Research in Child Development, 1991.
  7. Matt, G., Pechersky, B., & Cervantes, C. (August 1991). High school study habits and early college achievement. Psychological Reports, 69(1), 91-96.
  8. Cheeks, C., Hurtado, M., Tsal, D., & Bridges, L. Temperament Assessment in the Development of Emotional Self-Regulation.  Poster presented at the Minority Summer Research Internship Program, University of California, Riverside, August 1991. *Also presented at the 1991 MARC Scholars Conference, Washington, DC, November 1991.
  9. Mattson, S.N., Gallegos, R., Carlos, R., & Riley, E.  Prenatal Exposure to Alcohol Alters the Acoustic Startle Response In Adult Rats. Presented at the Research Society on Alcoholism, Marco Island, FL, June 1991.
  10. Garcia, A., & Murphy, C.  Olfactory Threshold Impairments In Alzheimer’s Disease. Presented at the 1991 MARC Scholars Conference, Washington, DC, November 1991.
  11. McPherson, B., Dimsdale, J.E., Newton, R.P., & Nelesen, R.A. The Effects of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (Ace) Inhibition on Neuropsychological Functioning.  Presented at the 1991 MARC Scholars Conference, Washington, DC, November 1991.
  12. McPherson, B., Tsumura, L., Smith, T., & Triolo, T.  Differences of Gender Between Team and Individual Sports.  Presented at the Western Psychological Association Conference, San Francisco, CA, April 1991.
  13. Mobley, C., Arriaga, R.I., & Cronan, T.  Producing Emergent Literacy in Children.  Poster presented at the 1991 MARC Scholars Conference, Washington, DC, November 1991 *Also presented at the American Psychological Society Convention, San Diego, CA, April 1992.

Presentations/publications 1992

    1. Arriaga, R.I.  The Effects of Familiarity on Infants’ Concept of Numerical Identity.  Poster presented at the MARC-MBRS Scholars Conference, San Juan, PR, October 1992. *Also presented at the Western Psychological Association Convention, Phoenix, AZ, April 1993.
    2. Arriaga, R.I., Hicks, M.J., Cronan, T.A., & Fenson, L.  Language Comprehension Assessment: Mothers Predictions and Children’s Responses. Poster presented at the San Diego State Student Research Conference, San Diego, CA, March 1992.
    3. Baytan, A., Haynes, L., Koniski, A., & Cohen, N.  Secretion of TGF-B By Xenopus T Cells and Fibroblasts.  Orally presented at the MARC-MBRS Scholars Conference, San Juan, PR, October 1992.
    4. Baytan, A., Zurek, D., & Clouse, S.  Regulation of Soy Bean Gene Expression By Brassinolide, a Plant Steroid Hormone.  Presented at the Howard Hughes Biomedical Research Conference, San Diego, CA, April 1992.
    5. Bell, M., & Guo, X.  The Correspondence Between Sarcomere Distribution and Developed Force in a Single Skeletal Muscle Fiber.  Presented at the Howard Hughes Biomedical Research Conference, San Diego, CA, April 1992.
    6. Byrd, D., Zisook, S., & Kuck, J.  Presence and Clinical Significance of Command Hallucinations in an Outpatient Schizophrenic Population.  Presented at the MARC-MBRS Scholars Conference, San Juan, PR, October 1992.
    7. Cantero, P., & Aguila, L. Reaching Out to Latino Smokers: Barriers to Utilizing the UCSD Bilingual Help Line For Smoking Cessation.  Presented at the MARC-MBRS Scholars Conference, San Juan, PR, October 1992.
    8. Castillo-Canez, I., & Ancoli-Israel, S.  Sleep Problems in Nursing Home Elderly.  Poster presented at the National MARC/MBRS Scholar Conference, San Juan, PR, October 1992.
    9. Garcia, A., & Murphy, C.  Alzheimer’s Disease Affects Smell and Not Taste. Presented at the Howard Hughes Biomedical Research Conference, San Diego, CA, April 1992.
    10. Hall, T., & Webster, R.  Sarcomere Kinetics in Isolated Cardiocytes: Modulation by Sphingosine.  Poster presented at the Howard Hughes Biomedical Research Conference, San Diego, CA, April 1992
    11. Castillo-Cañez, I., & Ancoli-Israel, S.  Sleep Problems in Nursing Home Elderly.  Presented at the MARC-MBRS Scholars Conference, San Juan, PR, October 1992.
    12. Castillo-Canez, I., Saccuzzo, D., & Johnson, N.  Environmental Risk Factors in Giftedness.  Presented at the 30th Annual California Association for the Gifted Meeting, Long Beach, CA, February 1992.
    13. Elliassen, D., Castillo-Canez, I., Ardí, P., & Cronan, T.A.  A Community-based Intervention to Increase the Intergenerational Transfer of Knowledge.  Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association Convention, Portland, OR, March 1992.
    14. Garcia, A., Finkelstein, J., & Shemancik, L. Expression of D1 and D2 Receptors in Human Y79 Retinoblastoma Cells Using Fluorescent Ligands. Presented at the MARC-MBRS Scholars Conference, San Juan, PR, October 1992.
    15. Murphy, C., Razani, J., Nijjar, R., Garcia, A., & Jinich, S.  Olfactory Dysfunction in Dementia.  Presented at the Conference on Neuroscience, Anaheim, CA, October 1992.
    16. Mobley, C., Campos, R., & Campos, J.  Soothing Neonates’ Response to a Stressful Procedure. Presented at the MARC-MBRS Scholars Conference, San Juan, PR, October 1992.

Presentations/publications 1993

  1. Acosta, L., Wilhite, D., Quinonez, C., Nordin, S., & Murphy, C. Confidence Ratings for Odor and Visual Stimuli in Alzheimer’s Patients and Normal Controls.  Presented at the MARC/MBRS Scholars Meeting, Atlanta, GA, November 1993.
  2. Arriaga, R., & Cruz, S.  Preferential Treatment in Adjudication: Different Types of Criminals or Different Types of Crimes? Poster presented at the Western Psychological Conference, Phoenix, AZ, April 1993.
  3. Arriaga, R., Cronan, T., & Oggins, J. Mothers as Instruments in Assessing Children’s Language Development. Poster presented at the Western Psychological Conference, Phoenix, AZ, April 1993.
  4. Byrd, D. Command Hallucinations In Schizophrenic Outpatients. Presented at the Western Psychological Conference, Phoenix, AZ, April 1993.
  5. Byrd, D., Blaxton, T., Bhatia, S., Bookheimer, S., Gaillard, W., Fazilat, S., Figlozzi, C., & Theodore, W.  Combining Structural and Functional Neuroimaging Tools: An Application in the Treatment of Epilepsy. Presented at the National MARC/MBRS Scholars Meeting, Atlanta, GA, November 1993.
  6. Cantero, P., & Navarro, A.  Reaching Out to Latino Smokers:  Barriers to Utilizing the UCSD Bilingual Help Line for Smoking Cessation.  Presented at the MARC/MBRS Scholars Meeting, Atlanta, GA, November 1993.
  7. Castillo-Cañez, I., Ancoli-Israel, S., Kullen, A.S., & Jeste, D.V.  Sleep Complaints in Older Schizophrenics and Controls.  Presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Professional Sleep Societies, Los Angeles, CA, June 1993.
  8. Castillo-Cañez, I., Ancoli-Israel, S., Kullen, A.S., & Jeste, D.V.  (June 1993). Sleep complaints in older schizophrenics and controls. Sleep Research, 22, 145.
  9. Ancoli-Israel, S., Kramer, R., Castillo-Cañez, I., Marks, K., Almendarez, L., & Jones, D.W.  Total Sleep Time and Agitation.  Poster presented at the meeting of the Association of Professional Sleep Societies, Los Angeles, CA, June 1993.
  10. Ancoli-Israel, S., Kramer, R., Castillo-Cañez, I., Marks, K., Almendarez, L., & Jones, D.W.  (June 1993). Total sleep time and agitation. Sleep Research, 22, 55.
  11. Jones, D.W., Ancoli-Israel, S., Mason, W.J., Castillo-Cañez, I., Almendarez, L.D., Goldberg, A., Kramer, R., & Marks, K.  EEG Measures of Sleep Efficiency in Nursing Home Patients. Poster presented at the meeting of the Association of Professional Sleep Societies, Los Angeles, CA, June 1993.
  12. Jones, D.W., Ancoli-Israel, S., Mason, W.J., Castillo-Cañez, I., Almendarez, L.D., Goldberg, A., Kramer, R., & Marks, K.  (June 1993). EEG measures of sleep efficiency in nursing home patients. Sleep Research, 22.
  13. Almendarez, L.D., Ancoli-Israel, S., Jones, D.W., Marks, K., Kramer, R., Goldberg, A., & Castillo-Cañez, I. Evaluation of Sleep/Wake with Wrist Activity vs. Observations.  Poster presented at the meting of the Association of Professional Sleep Societies, Los Angeles, CA, June 1993.
  14. Almendarez, L.D., Ancoli-Israel, S., Jones, D.W., Marks, K., Kramer, R., Goldberg, A., & Castillo-Cañez, I. (June 1993). Evaluation of sleep/wake with wrist activity vs. observations. Sleep Research, 22, 54.
  15. Chase, L., Pinderhughes, E.E., & Orrell, J.K., San Diego State University  and Vanderbilt University, Peabody.  The Influence of Maternal Age and Prior Parental Experience on Participation in Parent Training.  Presented at the National MARC/MBRS Scholars Meeting, Atlanta, GA, November 1993.
  16. Figueroa, C., Barlow, S.B., & Allen, M.  A Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscope Study of Calcium Oxalate Crystals on Hysterangium Separabile Hyphae.  Presented at the National MARC/MBRS Scholars Meeting, Atlanta, GA, November 1993.  *Also presented at the 75th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Division, AAAS, San Francisco, CA, 1994.
  17. Garcia, A., Lunger, W., Miller, N., & McGivern, R.  Prenatal Alcohol Alters Water Intake and Size of the Supraoptic Nucleus. Presented at the Western Psychological Conference, Phoenix, AZ, April 1993.
  18. Garcia, A., McGivern, R., Ehlers, C., Mattson, S., & Riley, E.  Prenatal Alcohol Exposure Decreases Caudate Putamen Area in Rats.  Presented at the Western Psychological Conference, Phoenix, AZ, April 1993.
  19. Phillips, J., Anderson, K., Mobley, C., & Price, J.  The Relationship Between Social Information Processing and Social Maladjustment at School. Presented at the Western Psychological Conference, Phoenix, AZ, April 1993.
  20. Molina, J., Razzaghi, H., Fenson, B., & Harris, G.  Identification of Olfactory Mutants of Drosophila Using a Behavioral Screen.  Presented at the MARC/MBRS Scholars Meeting, Atlanta, GA, November 1993.
  21. Quiñonez, C., & Murphy, C. Advantages and Limitations of Electrogustometry. Presented at the MARC/MBRS Scholars Meeting, Atlanta, GA, November 1993.

Presentations/Publications 1994

  1. Brew, V., Marciano, J., & Bigatti, S.  Peer Relationship Problems Among Children in Foster Care.  Presented at the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association, Las Vegas, NV, April 1994.
  2. Byrd, D., McGivern, R., Reilly, J., Houston, P., & King., T.  Sex Differences in Recognition Memory in Children Before and After Puberty.  Presented at the MARC/MBRS Scholars Meeting, Atlanta, GA, November 1993. *Also presented at the Western Psychological Association Conference, Kona, HI, April 1994.*A revised version of a similarly titled paper with new data was published in Brain and Cognition in 1997.
  3. Cantero, P., & Wallston, K. A.  Correlations of Functional Ability on Rheumatoid Arthritis Subjects.  Presented at the Meeting of the Western Psychological Association, Kona, HI, April 1994.
  4. Cantero, P., Ramirez, L., & Navarro, A.  Confounding Experimental Intervention and Existing Cancer Prevention Efforts Among Latinas.  Presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, August 1994.
  5. Dionisio, D.P., Sarkin, A.J., & Tabert, M.T.  Attention Deficit and the Crossover Effect in Predominantly Negative-Symptom Schizotypics.  Poster presented at the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Convention, Las Vegas, NV, 1994.
  6. Figueroa, C., Clendening, B., Barlow, S.B., & Harris, G.L.  Scanning Electron Microscopic Study of the Adult Drosophila Heart. Presented at the Third CSU Microscopy Colloquium, April 1994. *Also presented at the Second Annual Undergraduate Biology Student Research Symposium, May 4, 1994. *Also presented at the California State University Student Research Competition and Conference at California State University Hayward, Hayward, CA, May 6, 1994.  Awarded First Place in category from SDSU.
  7. Mattson, S.N., Riley, E.P., Jerrigan, T.L., Garcia, A., & Jones, K.L. (1994). A decrease in the size of the basal ganglia following prenatal alcohol exposure: A preliminary report. Neurotoxicology and Teratology, 16(3), 283.289. The work for this citation was accomplished while the student author participated in the MARC program.
  8. Dubin, A.E., Molina, J.M., Razzaghi, H., Fenson, B.J., & Harris, G.L.  Novel Enhancer Trap Mutant Reveals Diversity of Olfactory Function in Drosophila melanogaster. Presented at the Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, 1994.
  9. Molina, J., Raghupathi, R., & McIntosh, T. Measurement of Dynorphin MRNA Expression and c-FOS Immunoreactivity Following Lateral Fluid-Percussion Brain Injury in the Rat.  Presented at the University of Pennsylvania, Division of Neurosurgery, Philadelphia, PA, August 1994.
  10. Polk, S.  Age Structured Model for Erythropoiesis.  Presented at the National Science Foundation Conference on Diversity in the Scientific and Technological Workforce, Washington, DC, September 1994.
  11. Quiñonez, C., Nordin, S., Davison, T.M., Jalowayski, A.A., & Murphy, C.  (1994). Dysosmia among patients at the UCSD Nasal Dysfunction Clinic:  Etiology and effect on olfactory function.  Chemical Senses, 19, 539-540.  Published Abstract.
  12. Quiñonez, C., Nordin, S., Davison, T.M., Jalowayski, A.A., & Murphy, C. Dysosmia Among Patients at the UCSD Nasal Dysfunction Clinic:  Etiology and Effect on Olfactory Function. Presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Chemoreception Sciences in Sarasota, FL, April 1994.

Presentations/Publications 1995

  1. Shima, D.T., Adamis, A.P., Ferrara, N., Yeo, K.T., Yeo, T.K., Allende, R., Folkman, J., & D’Amore, P. (January 1995). Hypoxic induction of endothelial cell growth factors in retinal cells: Identification and characterization of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) as the mitogen.  Molecular Medicine, 1(2), 182-193. The work for this citation was accomplished while the student author participated in the MARC program.
  2. Cadwallender, T., & Bigatti, S. Relation Between Aggression and Peer Acceptance in Small Play Groups.  Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Indianapolis, IN, March 1995.
  3. Zisook, S., Byrd, D., Kuck, J., & Jeste, D. (October 1995). Command hallucinations in schizophrenia.  Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 56(10), 462-465.
  4. Chase, L., Chase, J., Pentalari, R. Haas, R., & Demarse, W.  Perception of Infant Behavior as a Function of Perceived Drug Exposure.  Presented at the Western Psychological Association Conference, Los Angeles, CA, April 1995.
  5. Chase, L., Murray, C., Warden, R., & Stokes, J.  Confirmation Expectancies Among Asian Americans and European Americans.  Presented at the Western Psychological Association Conference, Los Angeles, CA, April 1995.
  6. Tally, S.R., Denson, T., & Cronan, T.  Predictors of Language Complexity for Parents and Children Participating in a Community-based Literacy Program.  Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association Convention, Los Angeles, CA, 1995.
  7. Dionisio, D.P., Craig, S.A. Johnson, N.E., & Sacuzzo, D.P. School Suspensions:  The Relationship Between Gender and Ethnicity.  Presented at the Western Psychological Association Convention, Los Angeles, CA, 1995.
  8. Dionisio, D.P., Sarkin, A.J., & Hillix, W.A.  Gender Differences in Schizotypal and Nonschizotypal Populations. Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association Convention, Los Angeles, CA, 1995.
  9. Dionisio, D.P., Sarkin, A.J., & Hillix, W.A.  Reaction Time, Crossover Effect, and Sex Differences in Predominantly Positive or Negative Symptom Schizotypals. Poster presented at the International Congress on Schizophrenia Research, Hot Springs, VA, 1995.
  10.  Dionisio, D.P., Sarkin, A.J., & Hillix, W.A. (April 1995). Reaction time, crossover effect, and sex differences in predominantly positive or negative symptom schizotypals. Schizophrenia Research15(1,2), p115. Published Abstract.
  11. Callahan, W.J., Dionisio, D.P., & Lanyi, A.  Psychoeducational Profiles of Learning Disabled Students in Special Education.  Presented at the annual meeting of the California Association of School Psychologists, San Francisco, CA, 1995.
  12. Pinto, R.M., Dionisio, D.P., & Sarkin, A.J.  Personality Deficits and Time Spent in Exercise or Active Recreation.  Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association Convention, Los Angeles, CA, 1995.
  13. Prakash, N., Dionisio, D.P., & Sarkin, A.J.  Ethnic Differences in Schizotypal Personality Disorder.  Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association Convention, Los Angeles, CA, 1995.
  14. Sarkin, A.J., Hillix, W.A., Granholm, E.L., & Dionisio, D.P.  Time Estimation and the Crossover Effect in Schizotypal and Nonschizotypal Students. Poster presented at the International Congress on Schizophrenia Research, Hot Springs, VA, 1995.
  15. Sarkin, A.J., Hillix, W.A., Granholm, E. L., & Dionisio, D.P.  (April 1995).  Time estimation and the crossover effect in schizotypal and nonschizotypal students. Schizophrenia Research, 15(1,2), p133.  Published Abstract.
  16. Figueroa, C., Clendening, B., Barlow, S.B., & Harris, G.L.  Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscope Study of Adult Drosophila melanogaster Heart.  36th Annual Drosophila Research Conference, Atlanta, GA, 1995
  17. Feeney, J., Atkinson, M.J. Cowan, M.J., Escuro, G., & Lugo, G.  A Defective VkA2 Allele in Navajos which May Play a Role in Increased Susceptibility to Haemophilus influenzae Type b Disease.  Presented at the 1995 NIGMS National Scholars Conference, Washington, DC, 1995. *Also a published paper in 1996.
  18. Peterson, M., Registrare, A., Francis, C., Mbidde-Kantorgole, E., Mills, D. Wabwine, A., Anokbonggo, W.W., Alfred, L., & Boto, W.O.  Antigens Specificity’s of the W.H.O.-Sponsored gp120 Candidate Vaccines Recognized by Antibodies from Transmitting and Non-transmitting Mothers. Presented at the 1995 NIGMS National Scholars Conference, Washington, DC, 1995.
  19. Murphy, C., Quiñonez, C., & Nordin, S. (October 1995). Reliability and validity of electrogustometry and its application to young and elderly persons. Chemical Senses, 20(5), 599-603.
  20. Tolli, J., & Howes, B.L.  The Effects of Variable Oxygen Fields on Sediment Oxygen Uptake.  Presented at the 1995 NIGMS National Scholars Conference, Washington, DC, 1995.
  21. Tolli, J., Molina, J., Dubin, A., & Harris, G. Isolation of Drosophila Olfactory Mutants. Presented at the 1995 NIGMS National Scholars Conference, Washington, DC, 1995.

Presentations/Publications 1996

  1. Byrd, D., Paulsen, J., Heaton, R. Sadek, J., Perry, W., Delis, D., Braff, D., Kuck, J., Zisook, S., & Jeste, D.A. (January 1996). Qualitative analysis of intrusion errors in schizophrenia. Journal of the International Neurospychological Society, 2(1), 55.  Published Abstract. Presented at the International Neuropsychological Society Annual Meeting.
  2. Cáñez, B.O., Elizondo, E., Tally, S., & Cronan, T.A.  The Effect of Ethnicity on Parent-Child Play Behavior. Paper presented at the UCSD Undergraduate Summer Research Conference, San Diego, CA, August 1996. *Also published in the SDSU McNair Journal 3, 96-100, 1996.
  3. Elizondo, E., Cáñez, B.O., Tally, S., & Cronan, T.A.  The Effects of a Literacy Program on Siblings of Low-income Participants.  Paper presented at the UCSD Undergraduate Summer Research Conference, San Diego, CA, August 1996. *Also presented at the 6th Biennial Conference on Community Research and Action (Division 27 of APA), South Carolina, May 1997.
  4. Dionisio, D.P., & Sarkin, A.J.  Assertiveness in Schizotypal with Predominately Positive or Negative Symptoms. Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association Convention, April 1996.
  5. Sarkin, A.J., Granholm, E.L., Dionisio, D., & Hillix, W.A.  The Crossover Effect in Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders:  Trait-state or State-state?  Poster presented at the Society for Research in Psychopathology, Atlanta, GA, 1996.
  6. Allen, M.F., Figueroa, C., Weinbaum, B.S., Barlow, S.B., & Allen, E.B. (June 1996). Differential production of oxalate by mycorrhizal fungi in arid ecosystems. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 22(4), 287-292.
  7. Jones, L.S.  Are students Bringing Nutritious Lunches to School?  SDSU McNair Journal, 3, 130-137, 1996.
  8. Feeney, A.J., Atkinson, M.J., Cowan, M.J, Escuro, G., & Lugo, G.  (May 1996). A defective Vkappa A2 allele in Navajos which may play a role in increased susceptibility to Haemophilus influenzae type b disease.  Journal of Clinical Investigation, 97(10), 2277-2282.
  9. Feeney, A.J., Escuro, G., & Lugo, G.  The Human Antibody Repertoire:  The Majority of Kappa Light Chains are Encoded by Only a Few VK Genes. Poster presented at the 1996 MARC/MBRS scholars conference in Miami, FL.
  10. Martinez, G., Walters, S., Tom, T.L., Medina, A., & Cronan, T.A. The Effects of a Literacy Program on Siblings of Participants.  Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association Convention, San Jose, CA, April 1996.
  11. Nordin, S., Murphy, C., Davidson, T.M., Quiñonez, C., & Jalowayski, A.A.  (June 1996). Prevalence and assessment of qualitative olfactory dysfunction in different age groups. Laryngoscope, 106(6), 739-744.
  12. Tolli, J., & Howes, B.L.  The Effects of Water Column Anoxia on the Measured Rate of Sediment Oxygen Consumption.  Poster presented at the MARC/MBRS scholars conference in Miami, FL, 1996. *Also presented at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, August 1996.
  13. Peterson, M.T., White, S.A., & Fernard, R.D.  The Role of Stress in Mediating Social Status.  Poster presented at the 1996 MARC/MBRS scholars conference in Miami, FL.

Presentations/Publications 1997

  1. Byrd, D., Paulsen, J., Squibb, S., Heaton, R., & Jeste, D. Verbal Working Memory Performance in Older Schizophrenia patients.  National Academy of Neuropsychology, 1997.
  2. Paulsen, J., Byrd, D., Heaton, R., & Jeste, D. Learning and Memory Impairments in Schizophrenia Patients with tardive Dyskensia.  American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 1997.
  3. McGivern, R., Houston, P., Byrd, D., King, T., Siegle, G., & Reilly, J. (August 1997). Sex differences in visual recognition memory: Support for a sex-related difference in attention in adults and children.  Brain and Cognition, 34(3), 323-336.
  4. Cáñez, B.O., Elizondo, E., Tally, S., & Cronan, T.A.  The Effect of Ethnicity on Parent-Child Play Behavior. Presented at the 6th Biennial Conference on Community Research and Action (Division 27 of APA), South Carolina, May 1997.
  5. Cañez, B.O., Sallis, J.F. Conway, T., & Marshall, S. Ethnic Differences on Saturated Fat/Cholesterol Avoidance Scale. Presented at the McNair National Summer Research Conference, Irvine, CA, August 1997. *Also poster presented at the 1977 MARC/MBRS Scholars Conference in New Orleans, LA.
  6. Cañez, B.O., Spratt, C., & Dinh, Q.  Culture and Gender Differences Toward the Concept of Relinquishment.  Presented at the UCLA Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference, Los Angeles, CA, May 1997.
  7. Clay, S., & Pozos, R. Electromyographic and Bio-kinetic Studies of Human Jumping.  Poster presented at the 1997 MARC/MBRS Scholars Conference in New Orleans, LA, 1997. *Also presented at the 6th Annual National Ronald E. McNair Research Conference held in Lake Lawn Lodge Delavan, WI, November 1997.
  8. Dionisio, D.P., Sarkin, A.J., Hillix, W.A., & Granholm, E.L. (April 1997). Redundancy-associated deficit hypothesis for crossover is supported by change across trials in schizotypal males. Schizophrenia Research, 24(1,2), p101. Published Abstract.
  9. Dionisio, D.P., Sarkin, A.J., Hillix, W.A., & Granholm, E.L. Redundancy-associated Deficit Hypothesis for Crossover is Supported by Change Across Trials in Schizotypal Males.  Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Congress on Schizophrenia Research, Colorado Springs, CO, 1997.
  10. Sarkin, A.J., Dionisio, D.P., Hilliz, W.A., & Granholm, E.L. (April 1997). Agreement between SPQ and MMPI-2 as measures of schizotypy. Schizophrenia Research, 24(1,2), 21. Published abstract.
  11. Sarkin, A.J., Dionisio, D.P., Hilliz, W.A., & Granholm, E.L. Agreement Between SPQ and MMPI-2 as Measures of Schizotypy.  Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Congress on Schizophrenia Research, Colorado Springs, CO, 1997.
  12. Verney, S., Granholm, E.L., & Dionisio, D.P.  (1997). Pupillary responses index cognitive processing in the visual backward masking task.  Psychophysiology, 34, S92. Published Abstract.  *Also presented at the 37th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Cape Cod, MA, October 1997.
  13. Graham, S.E., & Ruiz, G. The Effect of Power Plant Discharges on Fouling Communities at Chalk Point and Morgantown, Maryland.  Poster presented at 1997 MARC/MBRS Scholars Conference in New Orleans, LA, October 1997. *Also presented at the 1998 Benthics Ecology Conference, Melbourne, FL, March 1998.
  14. Read, R., & Graham, S.E.  (September-October 1997). What difference does one make?  Outdoor California, 58(5).
  15. Jones, L. R., Sallis, J.F., Conway, T., & Marshall, S.  Ethnic Differences in Use of Low-fat Bag Lunch Foods.  Poster presented at the 1997 MARC/MBRS Scholars Conference in New Orleans, LA, October 1997. *Also presented at the 1997 McNair Scholars Summer Research Conference, August 1997.
  16. Jones, L.R., Sallis, J.F., Wildey, M.B., & Zive, M.M.  Lunch Habits of Middle School Students:  Sources of Food and Quality of Bag Lunches.  Poster presented at Society of Behavioral Medicine, San Francisco, CA, April 1997.
  17. Love, V., Lugo, G., & Feeney, A. The Role of Germline Transcription in V (D) J Recombination. Poster presented at the 1997 MARC/MBRS Scholars Conference in New Orleans, LA, 1997.
  18. Lugo, G.  Thymus (T) Cell Development:  pT  alpha May Play a Role in Activating p56 lck During Early Development of T cells.  Slide show presentation at the Leadership Alliance Conference, NYU Medical School, New York, NY, August 1997.
  19. Lugo, G. The Human Antibody Repertoire:  The Majority of Kappa Light Chains are Encoded by Only Few Genes.  Slide show presentation at the 1997 MARC/MBRS Scholars Conference in New Orleans, LA October 1997. *Also presented at the 1997 SACNAS Annual Conference in Houston, TX.
  20. Feeney, A.J., Lugo, G., Escuro, G.  (April 1997). The human cord blood repertoire.  The Journal of Immunology, 158(8), 3761-3768.
  21. Martinez, G.,  Elizondo, E.,  Bigatti, S., & Cronan, T.A.  The Effects of Ethnicity and Socioeconomic Status on Parents’ Reading Attitudes and Behaviors.  Poster presented at the Community Research and Action Conference, South Carolina, May 1997. *Also presented at the 6th Biennial Conference on Community Research and Action, Columbia, SC.
  22. Elizondo, E., Martinez, G., Bigatti, S., & Cronan, T.A. Effects of a Literacy Program on Siblings of Low Income Participants.  Poster presented at the Psi Chi Session of the 1997 APA Convention, Chicago, IL, 1997.
  23. Elizondo, E., Martinez, G., Bigatti, S., & Cronan, T.A. The Effects of English Fluency on the Self-esteem of Latino Mothers of Young Children.  Poster presented at the Community Research and Action Conference, South Carolina, May 1997.
  24. Patton, L., Martinez, G., Zimmerman, J., Russell, S., & Cronan, T.A. The Effect of Length of Stay in the United States on Parents’ Behaviors. Posted presented at the Western Psychological Association Convention, Seattle, WA, April 1997.
  25. Robledo, D., Allen, M. F., Allen, E.B., Gomez-Pompa, A., & Rincon, E. Restoration of Plants and Mycorrhizae in Mexican Seasonal Tropical Forest. Published abstract for 1997 MARC/MBRS Research Symposium in New Orleans, LA, November 1997.

Presentations/Publications 1998

  1. Clay, S.D. Collaborative Multi-Robot System in an Unknown Environment.  Orally presented at the 1st SDSU MARC/MBRS Research Forum, September 25, 1998. *Also presented at the 1998 NIGMS Conference in New York, November 1998.
  2. Cañez, B.O., Sallis, J.F., Conway, T., Marshall, S., Jones, L.R., & Wildey, M.  Factor Structure of a Modified Saturated Fat/Cholesterol Avoidance Scale for Latinos and Anglos. Presented at the 19th Annual Scientific Sessions of The Society of Behavioral Medicine, New Orleans, LA, March 1998.
  3. Carreno, R.  Perceptual Dietary Habits Between Minorities and Caucasian Students.  Presented at the University of California, Los Angeles Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference, May 1998.
  4. Carreno, R., Erickson, S., Evelin, J.l., & Sheposh, J. Effects of Stimulus Modality & Timing of Evidence Presentation on Adjudication & Decision Confidence. Poster presented at SDSU Psi Chi Research Conference, San Diego, CA, April 1998.
  5. Davis, M., & Stitt, L.O.  Kinetic Differentiation of Nucleotidases From Chicken Smooth Muscle and Liver Plasma Membrane. Poster presented at the SDSU Howard Hughes Undergraduate Student Research Symposium, April 1998. *Also presented at the CSU Research Competition at CSU Chico, CA, May 1998.
  6. Caldwell, C., Stitt, O.L., Davis, M., O’Sullivan, K., & Dahms, A.S.  Kinetic Differentiation of Exto-ATPase Sub-Families from Chicken Muscle.  Poster presented at Tenth Annual California State University Biotechnology Symposium, May 1998. *Also presented at the 1998 Annual Meeting of the American Society for Biochemistry and molecular Biology, Washington, DC.
  7. Graham, S.E., & Sumich, J.  Baleen Growth in a Captive Gray Whale Calf, Eschrichtius robustus. Presented at the 1998 World Marine Mammal Conference in Monaco, January 1998.
  8. Graham, S.E., Davis, J., Deegan, L., Cebrian, J., Hughes, J., & Hauxwell, J. (October 1998). Effect of eelgrass (Zostera marina) density on the feeding efficiency of mummicho (Fundulus heteroclitus).  Biology Bulletin, 195(2), 241-243. *Also presented at the First SDSU MARC/MBRS Research Forum, September 1998. **Also presented at the 1998 NIGMS Conference in New York, NY, November 1998.
  9. Jones, L.R., Sallis, J.F., Marshal, S., Conway, T.L., & Wildey, M.B. Students’ Lunch Food Sources: Frequency of Usage and Gender Differences. Poster presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine Conference, New Orleans, LA, March 1998.
  10. Love, V., Lugo, G., Escuro, G., & Feeney, A.J.  Relative Activity of Immunoglobulin Promoter: Assessing the Role of Gerline Transcription in V(D)J Recombination. Paper and 10 minute presentation presented at the 1998 California State University Research Competition at CSU Chico, CA, May 1998. *Also orally presented at the 1998 NIGMS Conference in New York, November 1998.
  11. Nadel, B., Tang, A., Lugo, G., Love, V., Escuro, G., & Feeney, A.J. (1998). Decreased frequency of rearrangement due to the synergistic effect of nucleotide changes in the heptamer and nonamer of the recombination signal sequence of the V kappa gene A2b, which is associated with increased susceptibility of Navajos to Haemophilus influenzae type b disease. The Journal of Immunology, 161(11), 6068-6073.
  12. Nadel, B., Tang, A., Escuro, G., Lugo, G., & Feeney, A.J.  (1998). Sequence of the spacer in the recombination signal sequence affects V(D)J rearrangement frequency and correlates with nonrandom Vkappa usage in vivo.  Journal of Experimental Medicine, 187(9), 1495-1503.
  13. Dubin, A.E., Liles, M., Seligman, F., Le, T., Tolli, J.D., & Harris, G.L.  (November 1998). Involvement of genes encoding a K+ channel (either a go-go) and a Nachannel (smellblind) in Drosophila olfaction.  Annals New York Academy of Sciences, 855(1), 212-222. Doi: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.1998.tbl0569.x.
  14. Younge, S.  The Effects of the ApolipoproteinE Gene on Odor Fluency.  Poster presented at the UCSD McNairs Scholars conference, San Diego, CA, August 1998. *Also presented at the 1998 NIGMS Conference in New York, November 1998. **Abstract published in the 1998 SDSU Journal.

Presentations/Publications 1999

  1. Blessing, S.  Mediating the Role of ATI in Myocardial Function via ATI Receptor Blockade. Orally presented at the 3rd SDSU MARC/MBRS Research Forum, September 24, 1999.
  2. Brown, K.  Chemo-Attractant Directed Development by Netrin and the Molecular mechanism of Hind Brain Compensation. Orally presented at the 2nd SDSU MARC/MBRS Research Forum, March 5, 1999.
  3. Yee, K., Brown, K., & O’Leary, D. Chemo-Attractant Directed Development by Netrins and the Substitutive role of LH16Alpha in Hind Brain Compensation. Poster presented at the 1999 NIGMS Conference in Phoenix, AZ, November 1999.
  4. Fernandez, S., Baguso, F.N., & Malcarne, V.L. The Bulimia Test-Revised: Factor Structure in College Women from Four Ethnic Groups. Poster presented at the annual convention of the Association of Women in Psychology, Providence, RI, March 1999.
  5. Fernandez, S., Baguso, G.N., & Malcarne, V.L. Sex-Roles and Depression: A Cross-Cultural Analysis.  Poster presented at the annual convention of the Western Psychological Association, Irvine, CA, April 1999.
  6. Jones, L.R., Sallis, J.F., Conway, T.L., Marshall, S.J., & Pelletier, R.L.  (October 1999). Ethnic and gender differences in request for and use of low/non-fat foods in bag lunches. The Journal of School Health, 69(8), 322-336. DOI: 10.1111/j.1746-1561.1999.tb06424.x.
  7. Martinez, J., & Oseroff, S. Intrinsic and Extrinsic Effects in Bilayer Manganites Above Their Magnetic Ordering Temperature. Poster presented at the 1999 NIGMS Conference in Phoenix, AZ, November 1999. *Also orally presented at the 4th SDSU MARC/MBRS Research Forum, March 2000. **Also orally presented at the SDSU College of Sciences Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 2000.
  8. Martinez, A., Williams, G.S., Riblet, R., & Feeney, A.  Determination of Recombination Frequency of the VH7183 Genes and Correlation to Their Chromosomal Location and Sequence of the Recombination Signal Sequence (RSS). Poster presented at the 1999 NIGMS Conference in Phoenix, AZ, November 1999. *Also presented as a platform presentation at the 7th Biennial Symposium on Minorities, the Medically Underserved & Cancer, Washington, DC, February 2000. **Also orally presented at the 4th SDSU MARC/MBRS Research Forum, March 2000.
  9. Montalbano, A., Jones, R., Blessing, S., George, E., Krown, K., & Paolini, P.  Amylin-Induced Cardiac Apoptosis: A possible mechanism for contractile disruption of cardiomyopathy.  Presented at 1999 CSU Research Competition at Chico, CA. *Previously presented at the 1998 NGMS Conference in New York, November 1998.
  10. Montalbano, A., Goebel, P., Kompfner, E., & Feeney, A.  Frequency and Location of Matrix Attachment Regions (MARS) Flanking VH Genes. Poster presented at the 1999 NIGMS Conference in Phoenix, AZ, November 1999. *Also presented at the SDSU College of Sciences Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 2000.
  11. Quinones, F., Romeo, R., George, E., Krown, K., & Paolini, P. Laminin and LPS Effects on Contractility in Adult Cardiocytes. Poster presented at the 1999 NIGMS Conference in Phoenix, AZ, November 1999. *Also orally presented at the SDSU College of Sciences Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 2000. **Also presented as a poster at the FASEB Experimental Biology Conference, San Diego, CA, April 2000.
  12. Silva, K.  Olfaction Functioning in Alzheimer’s Disease. Orally presented at the 3rd SDSU MARC/MBRS Research Forum, September 24, 1999. *Also presented at the UCSD McNair Scholars Conference, August 1999. **Also presented at the 1999 NIGMS Conference in Phoenix, AZ, November 1999. ***Also presented at the SDSU College of Sciences Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 2000.
  13. Younge, S.  The Effects of the ApolipoproteinE Gene on Odor Fluency. Orally presented at the 2nd SDSU MARC/MBRS Research Forum, March 5, 1999.
  14. Younge, S., Syka, J., & Rybalko, N.  The Effect of Noise Exposure on Gap Detection in Pigmented Rats. Poster presented at the 1999 NIGMS Conference in Phoenix, AZ, November 1999.