(Click students’ name to see ePortfolios)
Cell & Molecular Biology
Faculty Mentor: Nicholas J. Shikuma
Alpher was appointed to the MARC program in August 2023.
He is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Cell and Molecular Biology and a minor in Sustainability.
As a researcher in the Shikuma Lab, he studies to expand scientific knowledge and diversify the tools available for genetic manipulation of marine bacteria.
After graduating from San Diego State University, he plans to pursue a Ph.D. in Biomedical science.
Mary Becker
Physics & Psychology
Faculty Mentor: Sanjay Behura
Mary was appointed to the MARC program in September 2024. She is double majoring in Physics specializing in Modern Optics and Psychology with an emphasis in Neuroscience.
She is currently an undergraduate researcher for the Behura Research Lab and a Cal-Bridge Scholar. She is working on engineering defects and analyzing CVD-grown hexagonal boron nitride as part of a greater study of the photonics of quantum materials .
After graduation, she plans to pursue a Ph.D. and perform research that applies the methodology and mathematical analysis of physics to the field of neuroscience. She has a career goal of becoming a PI of her own lab and mentoring the next generation of underrepresented scientists.
Shiloh Bolden
Environmental Engineering
Faculty Mentor: Natalie Mladenov
hiloh joined MARC in September 2023. At San Diego State University, he is studying Environmental Engineering. Under his supervisor, Dr. Natalie Mladenov in the “WIRLab”, he is researching anammox bacteria and it’s possible uses for cleaning wastewater in a low-cost Anaerobic Baffled Reactor.
After receiving his undergraduate degree, he will go on to receive his Ph.D. in Systems Engineering which will allow him to become a project manager.
Mateo Contreras
Faculty Mentor: Yuezhi Mao
Mateo was appointed to the MARC program in June 2024. He is majoring in Chemistry and minoring in Physics.
As an undergraduate researcher for the Mao lab, he is currently working on calculating the transition states of the IDH1 reaction in conjunction with the Sohl lab.
After graduation, he plans to pursue a Ph.D. in Computational or General Chemistry. His career goal is to lead his own independent research team, but has also considered becoming a professor.
Darby Dodge*
Cell & Molecular Biology
Faculty Mentor: Parag Katira
Darby was appointed to the MARC program in September 2024 and she is studying Cellular & Molecular Biology.
She is currently an undergraduate research assistant in Dr. Parag Katira’s Lab, where she is working to evaluate cancer incidence in aging tissues focusing on the dynamics of differentially aged cell populations.
After obtaining her bachelor’s degree, she plans to pursue a Ph.D. in Bioengineering.
Maria Christina Huerta-Avila
Faculty Mentor: Phillip Holcomb
Christina was appointed to the MARC program in September 2024. She is currently a second-year transfer student working on a Psychology major and a minor in Cultural Proficiency.
Christina is an undergraduate research assistant in Dr. Holcomb’s and Dr. Midgley’s NeuroCognition Lab. Her goal after graduation is to earn a Ph.D. in Cognitive Neuroscience.

Cellular & Molecular Biology/Psychology
Mentor: Tom Huxford
Josselyn was appointed to the MARC program in July 2023. She is double majoring in Cellular & Molecular Biology and Psychology and minoring in Interdisciplinary Studies.
She is currently an undergraduate researcher for the Huxford Biochemistry Lab. She has worked on understanding regulation in the NF-KB signal transduction pathway, which is associated with inflammatory-based diseases.
After graduation, she plans to pursue a Ph.D. in either Biochemistry or Biophysics. She has a career goal of becoming a PI in her own lab and continuing to do research with clinical applications that can help patients.
Diego Leon
Faculty Mentor: Margaret Friend
Diego was appointed to the MARC program in August 2023. He’s currently studying psychology with an emphasis in neuroscience and a minor in counseling and social change. As a research assistant at the Infant and Child Development Lab, Diego assists Dr. Margeret Friend in conducting research in language and cognition in children under five years of age. We are currently studying how the COVID-19 pandemic affected language acquisition and cognition in bilingual Spanish speaking children
After obtaining his bachelor degree, he plans to receive a Ph.D. in neuropsychology/clinical. Diego aspires to become a psychology professor at a top-tier four-year university, practice clinical neuropsychology at a medical clinic, and research mental disorders in children.
Tristan McDonnell
Cell and Molecular Biology
Faculty Mentor: Maya Capelson

Tristan joined MARC in the Fall of 2024. He is majoring in Cellular and Molecular Biology and minoring in Chemistry. Since joining Dr. Maya Capelson’s lab in August 2023, he has researched the Drosophila nuclear pore complex component Megator, which has been implicated in epigenetic gene regulation.
After graduation, he plans to pursue a Ph.D. in Molecular Biology or Biophysics and continue his research on chromatin organization and epigenetics. His professional goal is to teach and run a research lab as a professor of molecular biology.
Tristan spent the summer of 2024 participating in the University of Pennsylvania Summer Undergraduate Internship Program. In Dr. Melike Lakadamyali’s lab, he used super resolution microscopy techniques to understand the cellular biology of tendinosis.
Neenah Mendez
Marine Biology
Faculty Mentor: Luke Miller
Neenah was appointed to the MARC program in August 2024. She is majoring in Marine Biology at San Diego State University. She is currently an undergraduate researcher in the Miller lab. After obtaining her bachelor’s degree, she plans to pursue a Ph.D. in Marine Biology to research sustainable solutions to the climate change crisis.

Carly Nichols
Faculty Mentor: Christopher Harrison
Carly was appointed to the MARC program in September 2023. She is majoring in Chemistry and minoring in Cultural Proficiency. As an undergraduate researcher for the Elliott lab, she is working on identifying analytes within various bodies of water using mass spectrometry. After graduation, she plans to pursue a Ph.D. in environmental analytical chemistry. After receiving her Ph.D., she hopes to apply it to research helping inform environmental policies to combat environmental injustices.

Liana Parrish
Faculty Mentor: Miguel Villodas
Liana was appointed to the MARC program in September 2023. Her major is Psychology with a minor in Honors Interdisciplinary Studies. Liana currently conducts research in the Healthy Child and Family Development Lab with Dr. Miguel Villodas.
Liana has an interest in clinical psychology specifically researching how experiencing adversity can lead to the development of serious mental illness in minority populations. Liana aims to destigmatize mental health disorders as well as learn more about coping strategies and effective mental health interventions that can be disseminated to communities.
After she acquires her bachelors degree she plans to pursue a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology.
Alberto Rascon
Faculty Mentor: Jeremy Long
Alberto was appointed to the MARC program in September 2024.
His major is Biochemistry and he is pursuing a minor in Marine Biology.
After completing his bachelor’s degree, he hopes to pursue a Ph.D. in Marine Biology with Scripps Institution of Oceanography being his dream school. In the future he wishes to conduct research within a company or in academia.
Emily Rodriguez
Cell and Molecular Biology
Faculty Mentor: Carrie House
Emily joined the MARC program in September 2024. She is majoring in Cellular & Molecular biology and minoring in Spanish.
As an undergraduate researcher in the House Lab, she is studying the role of preadipocytes in ovarian cancer tumor microenvironment.
Bianca Rollbusch
Cellular and Molecular Biology 
Faculty Mentor: Teresa Monkkonen
Bianca was appointed to the MARC program in June 2024. She is majoring in Cellular and Molecular Biology while also pursuing a minor in Honors Interdisciplinary Studies. As an undergraduate in Dr. Monkkonen’s lab, she is working to understand breast cancer and tumor development. After graduation, she plans to pursue her Ph.D. with the goal of contributing to cancer research, particularly in the field of hematology-oncology.
Shalayah-Naomi Webb
Aerospace Engineering
Faculty Mentor: Satchi Venkataraman

Naomi was appointed to the MARC program in September of 2023. Her major is Aerospace Engineering and is pursuing a minor in Mathematics. Naomi will be conducting research in the Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) Lab run by Dr. Margherita Capriotti. After obtaining her Bachelor’s degree, she plans to pursue a Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering. Her career goals include becoming a Professor of Engineering and to collaborate with NASA while mentoring underrepresented students such as herself.
Lizeth Sanchez Zamudio
Faculty Mentor: Kate Rubin
Lizeth was appointed to the MARC program in September of 2023. Her major is Astronomy and is pursuing a minor in Mathematics and Honors Interdisciplinary Studies. Lizeth will be conducting galaxy research with Dr. Kate Rubin who delves into extragalactic astronomy, galaxy formation and evolution, galactic winds and feedback, the circumgalactic medium, and QSO absorption line spectroscopy.
After completing her bachelor’s degree, she hopes to pursue a Ph.D. in Astronomy to work on cutting-edge research to contribute new knowledge to the field. She looks forward to being a part of the next generation of scientists, astronomers, and researchers that continue to find out more about the Universe and its origin that has ultimately led to the formation of our Solar System and many other extragalactic phenomena.